Costco in West Valley?

Costco Wholesale is planning to shoehorn a 4-acre, 40-foot-high, membership-only, warehouse store directly next to Country Lane neighborhood on a too-small site with inadequate car and truck access.

We are a group of your West Valley neighbors who oppose this project. We are concerned about multiple issues, chiefly safety, traffic, noise, and quality of life.

Costco site plan

Costco site plan

The San Jose City Council voted on Tue. October 22nd to adopt the resolution to approve the Costco project, subject to many conditions detailed in the City Council Staff Memorandum.

Thank you for the hundreds of you who sent feedback to the San Jose Planning Commission on the Draft Environmental Impact Report and to the City Council on the project resolution.

The additional project conditions and modifications would not have been added if not for the feedback submitted by Save West Valley members.

A warehouse in a residential neighborhood

The view today from a neighborhood front yard

The same view if Costco comes in

An over-sized project on an under-sized site

Costco Sunnyvale (typical for Costco)

  • 145,000 SF warehouse

  • 15 acre site

  • 838 parking spaces

The proposed Westgate Costco plan

  • 165,000 SF warehouse: 20,000 SF bigger

  • 9.69 acre site: 35% smaller

  • 689 parking spaces: 149 fewer and smaller sized

Our Concerns

  • Costco will bring Warehouse-Sized Traffic To and From the West Valley, negatively affecting the safety of adjacent Prospect High School and its hundreds of students who walk, bike, and drive to school each day, as well as their track teams who run by the proposed site multiple time daily.

    The new Costco will be 40 feet high, nearly 4 acres in size, and will add 300 new surface and rooftop parking spaces. It will serve 6,500 customers a day who will drive 9,000 car trips per day to access the store through neighborhoods and under-sized accesses.

  • There are already two Costcos within 6 miles in more appropriate light industrial areas, serviced by more appropriately sized roads.

  • There are 1700 new housing units planned right across the street from the proposed site. Housing is a more important and appropriate use for land.

  • There will be lasting harm to the safety and quality of life for West Valley residents and businesses.

Our Hopes

  • Of course we want businesses to thrive

    The residents of West Valley DO want a strong and economically viable shopping center but not at the expense of our safety and quality of life.

    We envision a community center that combines shopping, housing, entertainment, restaurants, and health clubs.

  • Instead San Jose should create a vibrant village that will serve the whole community and align with San Jose’s Envision 2040 Plan and Urban Village plan of transit and neighbor-friendly businesses. Costco definitely does NOT align with these.

Learn more details of the Costco proposal